Thursday, June 5, 2014

Natural Weed KillerThat Works

As a cancer survivor, mom of little ones, and having many pets, I am always looking for more natural and healthy ways to to just about everything! We live on a small farm with 8 acres of land. We have a beautiful creek that the kids love to play in but every year about this time the weeds get so high. They are not hard to manage at first, but after a few weeks of rain and warm weather we usually give up and let them grow. 

We have tried other weed killers in the past but when you read about the harmful effects of some of the chemicals, (not to mention the price) of some of these per gallon, it becomes a losing battle. We have even burned the banks of the creeks and other weeded areas but they still return! Last week I came across a picture that showed using vinegar, Epsom salts, and Dawn soap to kill weeds. 

So naturally I went right out and got the necessary ingredients! A gallon of white vinegar was $2.83, the Epsom salts were $1.88 and the Dawn soap was $1.77 totaling $6.48 for the gallon mixture. But the best part is, there is enough salts and soap left for at least 1-2 more gallons which mean for another $2.82 I have now made 2 gallons of weed killer! That is still less than the standard cost of a gallon of name brand weed killer at $9.99. Here is a patch of weeds we did around 2pm on this particular day.

The first picture shows the strip of weeds and how green they are. The second picture was from about 4 hours later and the leaves were already beginning to brown! Now look what happened after just 2 days!

The whole strip of weeds along that part of the drive is almost completely dead! Woohoo! It worked! So I would say that this was to kill weeds is just as effective as any of your brand products and a much safer option especially around kids, pets, and people! 

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