Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cardio Vs. Strength Training vs. HIIT

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to talk about a highly controversial topic in world of exercise...Cardio. So many new studies are showing that cardio (meaning long distance running, biking etc), are actually not as good for you as strength training or the newest, high intensity interval training HIIT. So let's just break it down. Regular cardio is excellent and has so many health benefits. Even moderate exercise of walking or jogging 30-60 minutes daily reduces your mortality rate by 50%. But what about your weight loss results? Overall, calories in need to be less than calories exhausted but remembering the type of calories is important too. (That's another topic altogether)!

Strength training is usually anything you do with weights or a resistance band, however body weight alone is great for strength training especially if you are starting out and do not want to get injured. You will burn about 100 calories per hour more with this type of exercise for up to 24 hours after completion than you will with low resistance cardio sessions. This is great for also adding lean muscle when you are wanting to tone and tighten!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) offers the best of both worlds. Here you will workout with short bursts raising the heart rate and then steadying it,  and repeat, repeat, repeat. I recent study in the International Journal of Obesity compared HIIT to slow steady cardio and women over a 15 week period. Both groups burned the same amount of calories but the HIIT exercisers who worked out half as long, lost more weight and belly fat compared to the steady state exercisers who actually gained some belly fat.

All in all, the controversy will remain and I am a firm believer that everyone should be exercising 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes if doing HIIT or strength, increasing that to around 60 minutes if running or cycling etc. I choose a healthy mix of all three kinds of exercise.

Currently I am finishing a program called P90X3 the express version of P90X. This program is 30 minutes daily and does not include and steady cardio so I add that in once or twice a week with a run or bike ride. Included in the program is MMX  if you enjoy boxing, Yoga and Pilates for lengthening, strengthening, and stretching, cardio with weights, cardio with just your body weight, and upper and lower body workouts.

Check out some of this program on my website at

Here are my results in the first 30 days!

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