Friday, August 15, 2014

Snacking on the Run

Success Tip SNACKS! (from my friend Katie)

Who doesn't love snack time? I think the toughest thing about snack time is resisting the temptation of the vending machine, or my officemate's candy bowl, or my kids snack. We want you to be successful and it's much easier to resist those temptations if you have your snacks ready to go every day. 

Today's tip: Prep and portion your weekly snacks once a week. This helps me stay away from those tricky tempters, and I have no excuse in the morning when I'm busy with the kids or running around trying to find my car keys. Here is an example of snacks I'll prepare to keep me fueled with clean food for the week. What do you pack for snack?

- Small baggies or mason jar full of cut fresh veggies with 2 Tbsp. homemade hummus in the bottom of the jar or in a small container. This is my go-to and eat one almost every day.

- Hard boiled eggs
- Small palm full of mixed raw unsalted nuts (Costco sells them this way, Wegmans may have them in bulk, or you can always check out in a small container or baggie
- Small palm full of raw pumpkin seeds in a small container or baggie
- 1/2 scoop of Shakeology - mixed with water on the go

-Green apple with 1 Tbsp. almond butter
- A great "cheat" clean food is a Larabar. They taste like candy and fill me up. They even have one that is apple pie. They are high in naturally occurring sugar so I don't eat them often but on occasion they are a nice easy treat.

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"your life does not get better by chance, it gets better with change."

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